Thursday, October 10, 2013

Open Letter to Legislators on Obesity

Dear Senators McCain, Senator Flake and Congressman Franks,
I am a Family Physician, Obesity Specialist and Health Policy Fellow.  I had the opportunity to meet with your staff a few months ago and would like you to consider co-sponsoring S-1184 and/or HR-2415 the "Treat and Reduce Obesity Act." Obesity affects 34% of the population and 33% of the population in the US is overweight. Obesity is affecting military readiness and our economy using 21% of all healthcare costs.
One of the challenges I find as a physician who treats obesity daily, is that medications and therapy that is effective in treatment is not covered by Medicare services.  S-1184 will allow me as a physician to use effective medications for obesity that patient's current cannot afford.
I would love to talk with you or your staff about this bill and its effect on our treatment ability.
Please consider co-sponsorship of this bill and feel free to contact me regarding this issue at any time.
Adam S. Nally, D.O.
Board Certified Family Physician & Bariatrician
Health Policy Fellow

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